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oil: Jul. 13, 2002 (11:05 am)

i'm tempted to scream at her all the time. because i'm still angry. i was talkng in her car about how everything felt valueless. she said it was up to me to create value. i said that no one else understands it. what i meant was, how can i say this to you? after fucking yelling at me to find my own ride home because it's five minutes out of your way you offer him a ride home. you don't go to a show that i asked you to go to weeks ago because you're babysitting you're litte brother--but you ditch him to see minority report with that same boy. i am completely surounded by people like you and you are my problem. i hate how you don't think i realize what you're doing.

and on the metro you say that you want to be home to hang out with him again. and i realize he comes back in a week and i don't know what to do. (we just need an hour, maybe less, to lay it all out and come up with two resolutions--one for each of us. but i don't know if you have enough fucking spare time for that.)

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