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i saw you: Jan. 11, 2002 (7:45 pm)

waiting. for tomorrow to come to start reviewing british literature. for monday afternoon at three, when i will have finished my last exam. for thursday which is the first company meeting for the spring musical. for next sunday. sigh, sunday. it will all be ok.

i'm afraid that the second i belong in a group i will be part of something that i can't control. there will be a lable placed on me that i can't control. better to be a loner. to be merely labled annie. but sometimes i think it would be nice to be recognized...

but i'm not really punk rock anymore.

i'm not that girl you met at the party last weekend.

no, we didn't kiss when you were stoned.

but i was on the bus with you.

and i saw your play.

and i saw you at a show.

and i saw you waiting by the escalator.

and i think you're beautiful. i think a lot of people are beautiful. and i saw you, but it wasn't merely visual. at least it didn't feel like it.

i was the one who was alone. i may have been reading. i could have been listening to a mix tape. i was probably lost in a really deep thought. or at least pertending to be. wanted you to talk to me. but i wasn't about to go up to you.

he said things would be easier if i were stupid. he would either have me or wouldn't have me. if i were stupid i would never get stuck in the grey.

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