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sweet proposal: 2001-11-25 (9:51 a.m.)

i got an e-mail from freddy. i love his e-mails 'cause he knows how to spell and writes gramatically correct sentences. he's in a band that played at this show i went to a month ago but i didn't really see much of his band because my friend from school's band was playing at the same time on the other stage. he writes sweet e-mails where he seems really excited and interested in them(could be a ploy to get a dedicated fan base...)

i reread 'weetzie bat' last night. i loved that book when i was thirteen. i didn't like it as much this time. the descriptions of weetzie + dirk in the beginning with all the drinking and clubbing made them seem like trite trite punks. it's a great book for older kids to read though because it shows people dealing with crisisses + shows acceptence of different types of people without seeming like an after-school special. today i'm planning to finish the other four books, do some homework so i have less work during the week + finish this reall cool self potrait of myself (it seemed like it was going to be too brown so i decide to make everything that was dark brown--my hair + eyes--navy blue. it looks quite cool.)

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