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equal?: Jan. 06, 2002 (6:59 pm)

Paul: im sorry about the last few days. about being "distant". i think i was trying to keep you from liking me

annie: maybe it worked? though you worked your way back into my thoughts today

paul: i thought about you today too

annie: i was just talking about how you confuse me 'cause you say a million different things. what about me?

Paul: because i think a million differant things. just about what you said about shallowness.

Annie: yeah i know it gets hard to organize your million different things and my million different things and we are so rarely on the same page

Paul: im not sure exactly, but i thought about you today when i realized that katie was a waste of time

Annie: you've realized that before

Paul: well i realized it again, this time im sure about it (after me saying i had saved and reread one of out conversations)lets talk about its content now

Annie: the conversation where you call me a pleasure, say katie's nothing like what "you are", where you say theres a foundation under our words and how you're sick of us being nothing

Paul: annie i have to ask you a question. are we good together....are we something? or are we just confused young people?

Annie: you know how it took time for us to be able to really talk to each other (no matter how demented this version of talking is)? well i'm sure being together is the same way.

Paul: like, we could be together if we took the time?

annie: yeah i'm sure we could

Paul: that makes me feel good

Annie: but it just sorta freaks me out to think that you are all there is i need time to explore and to finally realize how special not by default you are

Paul: i understand that. i am starting to really understand that you are something special....not the way people usually are. arg, my moms calling me for dinner

are we ever on the same page?

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