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doorstops: Mar. 31, 2003 (10:57 pm)

i felt like the most pitiful robber that people just let into their houses to quietly regain posessions. 'cause you know, property is theft--just like that joke i tell. caitlin's up in the shower and i put her prom dress + velvet into my car. i feel nine years old and no one can hear what i say. i've got a pen in my mouth. i've been pretty low-key lately around other people and i was ready to say, "hey, kid, let's be friends again." but she's late 'cause she went out drinking. and i've been waiting and i've got things to do. so i'm ignoring her story because i don't care what so-and-so did last night and i start singing because i don't have mucous in my throat anymore.

"you know what sucks? the war?"

hey, you know what else: you + me these days, kiddo. you've got a lot that's mine and you forgot. but i'm not very brave so i just talk about the pictures i've seen and pretend to be smart.

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