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prior: Mar. 27, 2003 (9:53 am)

i dreamt that my french teacher needed to study before she taught us a new lesson. i dreamt that she was just a student too, just good at disguises. i woke up unagry and unthoughtful so maybe now i'm ready to try something. we're going up to baltimore today. i may stop and visit my friend in anapolis too. he'll be in athens in a year.

i haven't been thinking about wasting gas. i've been driving loops around the city and getting on and off highways listening to exile in guyville/the argument. i never really cared about david's music even though i've become a big fan. he just smiled in this nice way. so i talked to him. i start everything. he's my non-trite-punk-rock-buddy even if everyone thinks he's a novelty. hey, everyone probably thinks i'm a novelty too. i never really liked that ideal, anyway. i liked you smiling at me smiling at you smiling at me smiling at you smiling. um those last two sentences were about you, not david.

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