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reiterate: Feb. 15, 2002 (7:22 am)

when i talked to paul yesterday he said he had to go run and buy a cheapo valentines day card. for a cheap girl maybe? i don't know. and while it doesn't make me feel nice, i certainly am not boiling over with jealousy. not even lightly simering with jealousy. i'm not happy for him though. for whatever he found. just accept it as truth.

and then nathan said he asked thea out.

once again no jealously.

just a feeling of being alone. absolutely, positivly alone.

and that's true too. and quite sad.

at lunch yesterday i sat with mike and wes and jonny reading. and jonny made fun of the book title--boy island--calling it a type of escapism. and while not in the sense he meant it, i think it is. i think it all is. i create character's from cassettes, novels and brief sitings.

i'll reiterate, i surely am an artist and people are my medium.

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