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adult: Jan. 13, 2002 (7:07 pm)

i talked with max for a bit today about what we would like to be when we grow up. i want to own a small book publishing company. to publish my own work and other people's work. but being realistic and admitting that it may not be succesful enough for me to live off of, i'd like to work for amnesty international or some similar non-profit. and live in a house that's like a commune of creative thinkers, who are individuals, who help each other out. or maybe only one other person in this house...but he has all those qualities.well that's what i want and the grade i get on my english exam won't change it one bit.i haven't thought about the future in a while. come to think of it i rarely consider the present...

what is it that i like about paul? what makes him a pleasure. je lui ai apprivoise. is that it? i think if i listened to him more i would know...i am going to do that. i just need to talk to him again...then maybe it won't be default. love is looking beyond your own dreams and forming new ones.

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