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half past twenty: Jun. 15, 2003 (4:59 pm)

i start with a frame and go with it so i inevitably leave something out and find myself writing about the same event over and over again. yesterday, i sat on a chair talking to david laying on his bed. we were eating tofu soup when his sister and her boyfriend came home with breakfast sandwhiches from 7-11. as we ate, his mom told us about energy conducting rocks. we four kids went to the jazz fest and walked back home drenched. after changing, me and david, like a bunch of old folks, sat on chairs staring at the same wall. it was hard to get up to go to the grocery store. the chashier kept talking about our groceries and i giggled. normally, i think we look seventeen but yesterday i felt adult.

today, i got a lot of shit about david with varying numbers of my family at the table. my mom smirked at my presence at his family brunch and wondered what we were wearing as we were drying off. i looked down at my plate and thought about imaginations and worries and how dumb my mom sounded.

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