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simple: Mar. 03, 2003 (5:22 pm)

e to the i pi is -1. that's pretty crazy. e was developed in the 1600s with natural logarithms and integrals. and i was developed by some mathematician much later. and pi was developed by the greek. they all interact to form -1. which is just such a basic concept. it's hard to believe that things so distant in space and time all function together so simply.

i was imagining lux with a fish on his face but he doesn't have a goatee anymore. he asked everyone in our calculus class to write down the colors they associated with odd and even numbers. evens were blue and odds were warm for everyone. which is also strange.

after school both marc and sam asked if i was ok. i told marc the p-brane joke. i got to tell a lot of kids who know about string theory that joke and they either think i'm really dumb or really clever. i'm feeling clever and better right now. me and sam talked for a while. it's really excitig to talk to people about things that excite them. it's also nice to be sitting and talking and just thinking about that. i hope this feeling is annie-specific and not annie-and-sam-specific because i want to feel better myself. i reread parts of journey to the end of the night and sung to liz phair last night. i'm feeling really sick again though.

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