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stupid again: Jan. 31, 2002 (7:03 am)

i am stupid. but it seems that i'm either stupid or lonely. i have no idea how too make good interpersonal decsions.

and they say people shouldnt bese judgemental, but maybe i should.

this is a very rough draft of something i'm writing this for english. a romantc ballad. i fucking hate rhymes.

i know I set off on that day

and i walked through the sun drenched wood

the shining light was right ahead

and I walked like I knew i should

the leaves cast shadows on the ground

the air was still, the sun shone hot

i walked quite slow, and i gazed around

before my eyes a veil was not

but suddenly the sky grew dark

the sun was blocked with clouds of grey

descending �til they fell on me

oh, alas how i wished for day!

Now blind I stumbled on and on

as the mist came down on me

it crushed me down, i could not stand

until i yelled i wished to see

and then i felt a gust of wind

which blew away that dreadful mist

and i was on a wooden bridge

i gazed at my old land, that bliss

but there i was on the bridge

and looked at that oppressive fog

there i was, between fog and land

and i chose to stay right there

in sun one can see how to act

in the fog you may only fall

but i found myself in between

located where i could feel all

< - > - all - p - n - d