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these were fun in 7th grade: 12-02-01 (10:10 am)

profession: high school student

height: 5'4.25" (that .25 is very important to me)

lucky number(s): 16, 9, 4

a smell that makes you pause: coffee with cheap chocolate non-dairy creamer

a taste that makes you melts: hot chocalate fudge...though i suppose that's more texture than taste

a hobby that occupies your time: theater

a city you'd like to visit: so many

a country you'd like to explore: this one, as well as a lot of others

a drink you order most often: iced tea

a delicious dessert: vegan chocolate chip cookies (alternative bakery or somthing like that)

a book you highly recommend: the last rock star book, camden joy

the music you prefer while alone: Dashboard Confessional, kind of like spitting or bright eyes

while at a party: ehh--normally happy ska or classic rock--i don't know, parties are horribly over rated

your favorite band: fugazi

a TV show you watch regularly: ed ::hides head in shame::

your favorite time of the day: 7-9ish (from sun set to a few hours afterwords)

your favorite place to sit at home: in my room

your stuff

you live in a(n): house

your transportation: a car or bus depending pn the weather and time of day

your cologne or perfume: my homemade orange peel and lavender

under your bed or in your closet you hide: books (those aren't hidden, just my night table is full so they get pushed under my bed) + a box with all my old scripts and programs

something important on your night table: tapes

when you sleep, you wear: pajama bottoms and a t-shirt

if you had a safe, in it you would keep: i don't personally own anything that's very valuabl

things you like to buy: albums, bracelets + i'm always searching for new clothes but i seem to always fail

if you could afford it at this moment, you would buy: a new guitar

you collect: lots of stuff

you don't have a lot of: patience

your strangest possession: i'm sure i have a lot of odd possesion but they all seem quite normal to me, i guess my black wrench which is a theater-hand-me-down seems srange

your most expensive possession: my flute

your most prized possession: my black wrench + my jourals

your morals

people should not marry before this age: marriage is a weird thing, i'm not really sure what it seems to kill love rather than sustain it (not with my parents but i see it in others)...i guess when you fid someone who you not only love, but love no matter what and can live with

people should not have children before this age: when they want to, but also when they have the time and the money to raise a child

the appropriate age for having sex: it's not a time, its just when you feel like your in the right point in the relationship...well that sounds quie cliched and it doesn't even expres how i feel

when you are late for an appointment and it's your fault, do you tell the truth or tell a

white lie: the truth

one person you might kill if the law would protect you: i wouldn't kill anyone

a drug or alcoholic beverage you take on a regular basis: none

if there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: it's not about the side effcts it's about having enough respect + strength not to resort to social crutches

drugs you have tried in the past: alcohol if you want to cound that

a drug you will never try again: alcohol but that's not even true, my problems aren't with alcohol they're with drinking to get drunk and to loose yourself

you believe hitting a child is an appropriate form of discipline: not really

as an adult you have hit a woman?: no

as an adult you have hit a man?: no

you have been arrested?: nope

you have read someone's diary or gone through their personal possessions without asking?: yeah

what would your reaction be if your spouse or partner cheated on you: it's hard to say since i'm not in a relationship

have you purposely hurt someone emotionally: i didn't really comprehend wha i was doing, so no

have you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: yeah

have you apologized?: yes

do you owe someone money but have stalled paying it back: i'm sure i do

your religion and views of the world

do you believe in god?: no

describe god: "god" is just the web of nature: how the world works and how people interact with each other, i suppose that's sort of a atheist/deist idea--but i just don't believe that there's this supernatural being, just a web that connects everything

what religion are you: atheist?

do you still practice this religion: yes

your most spiritual moment: i dont know

death is: permanent

do you believe in astrology: not really, sometimes it's s vague of corse it's true

do you read your horoscope: no

have you ever been treated by a psychotherapist: if by treated you mean helped no, mental help has come only from me and my friends

if reincarnation does exist, you'd like to come back as: a mermaid

the right to have an abortion: it should be a choice

the right to own guns: hmm this is weird, i don't actually think there's a good reasn to own guns but at the same time i don't think they can really be banned...but the brady bill needs to be more enforced + there need to be responsibility laws (ie if someone kills someone with your gun you must also be held accountable since you didn't store your gun in a proper way)

the death penalty: i don't think killing is a form f justice, i'd feel better if it ws life in prison while doing something that would help humanity

equal rights for homosexuals: yes

the practice of premarital sex: sure

the worst crime against humanity: that's too hard to say, you can't really rank these things

the minimum punishment for those who rape: long stay in jail, psychotherapy + worth while community service

your opinion of the draft: it's rather unfair to force anyone to do something in a free county

you would fight in a war if: pigs flew?

< - > - all - p - n - d