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excitement is exciting: Apr. 15, 2006 (10:53 am)

on wednesday, i saw ben for the first time in almost a month at work, for the first time in almost three months, where he was playing the beatles' past masters, volume one and went to the back while i stayed in the front waiting for him to serve me the usual and left once i finished the cup of chocolate no moo because it was busy and i had somewhere to be nearby soon. yesterday i got off of work at five when stephan started but we still had time for me to show him the mark doty book i found in the biography section and the absense of the floor stack of gerald mcboing boing and talk about celine, proust, wallace stevens and frank o'hara in the kid's section while we were both on the clock and later he rang me up when i bought a book of great american prose poems and the customer in front of me said that she could see we knew each other even though we barely said a word and later i took the 39 from work to jamaica plain to see brett but it was too crowded to stay for long and we didn't even smoke out back but just walked up and down an aisle talking about anti-depressants and moving as he faced crackers and juices and i found roasted tofu to eat for dinner and left without a hug because those feel strange with him.

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