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last day at work: Aug. 26, 2003 (7:59 pm)

a while back between my office and the metro a man walking in front of me turned his neck around smiled at me a few times. he'd pause looking at me and i'd giggle. maybe that's my reaction to wanting to get the fuck out of somewhere. on my way to work this morning he passed in front of me and turned back and smiled. and i didn't want to laugh so i turned to face the wall and dug through my purse for anything. he had travelled far ahead when i faced my path again so i felt safe and i continued. outside of the federal judiciary building there's a curving path through a bright block-long yard. there was a man who looked worn out by the heat and uncomfortable in his dress clothes in the path. he asked me how i was and i said fine. he said he was from the church of latter days saints and asked if i was involved. i stuttered out that i was an athiest. he repeated it and asked me about jesus christ and wondered whether i had read the bible i said that i had and that i found jesus christ realy interesting i just didn't know if i believed he was so special. i didn't think he was the son of god. he asked if i thought of myself as a daughter of god.

i started laughing and walking. he followed. i appologized and said i had never talked to a missionary before. he reassured me and asked me where we came from, where the world came from. he said that he now felt peace. i started laughing again and he asked to come over and pray. i said no and wanted to know if there was anything keeping me from agreeing. i refused again and the appologized again. actually, i'm not complaining. i was laughing more because it was hard to say what i was saying and less because i wanted to leave.

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