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clear: Feb. 08, 2003 (8:30 am)

he tells me to give up. but i'm not taking love advice from a boy who bounces around girls. maybe we're different. i hate not speaking to you, i hate not spending much time with you. i hear this song and i think of your kitchen when we made that tape. but: i am glad i don't have a single savior. i am glad i'm not dependent. the kids i was with were fun.

we talked about dissapointments. people we didn't like. we looked happy when the music played and fought over this sophmore boy as a prom date.

see, he got up on the rolling cart and preteded he was in a car chase. airplanes were shooting him from above and he kept nervously looking behind him. he said he got pulled over by inspector no fun. see, he would be a good prom date. but i think i'll let them have him.

i wish i had a distinct voice.

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