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nice: Jan. 17, 2003 (10:56 pm)

on prosperity avenue the sun shines like in pictures that depict jesus, like in pictures that kids draw before they are told what is real, where you can see each ray. but this light falls on office buildings and paking lots. we are on the roof of one looking at the patterns the wind forces on the snow.

we head back east and when we resurface the sun is orange and hazy. i see grafitti and i see murals. i feel a lot better. now, i am listening to this tape that makes my face flush. it makes me see everything. things have been pretty nice.

hey katie: i hope you are right about everything. and also, we should make each other packages. that would make things nicer for me. you could send me bikini kill i could send you fugazi and i could see your handwriting.

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