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love: Oct. 13, 2002 (5:27 pm)

and i really hate how every night that i come home from school all i want to do is cry. and all i can think of is going away. and you said you would come with me. but would that really make me feel better?

it hurts that you were dissapointed. you were once excited about the stuff i wrote. and i feel like i've started to fade and i've never been as bright as i wanted to be. and i still just want to cry. and there's no one to call. no one to call at all. sorry. make another selection.

let's go to bloomington now. and just leave.

i can't write while i'm here. i'm sorry i had other papers and my grandpa died and i fucking can't get over this idea of love and it's killing me that it's been this long.

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